Attendance register system using face recognition


Asst.Prof. ANJITHA K

Team Members

1. Vishnu P

2. Athul Dinesh

3. Arjun N

4. Sarath P V


Attendance of a classroom is taken in a traditional method through pen and paper and then transferred to a digital data format. In this project, we are putting forward an attendance taking method through face recognition of the students and the tutor. In our proposed system, there will be a camera on the class in such a position that all the student's faces can be captured through it. The tutor will come to the class and then make a gesture in front of the camera that indicates the system to start recording the attendance. At the end of the class, the tutor will again make a gesture that informs the system to stop attendance recording. The system will identify the tutor's face and mark attendance to the subject he or she was early assigned through this system, so the system will not follow the timetable of the particular class because here the subject to mark attendance is selected by recognizing the tutor's face. Also if a student is late on attending a class then the arrival time of that student will be informed to the tutor so that the tutor can decide whether to give attendance or not. When the attendance recording is stopped, the system will send the attendance details to the respective tutor to validate the attendance and upload it directly to the digital format if needed. The main of this project is to eliminate the time taken for taking attendance. Also, it can reduce the extra effort of using this pen and paper method.